Conference Sessions

Keynote Sessions

Doyin Richards

Real Talk About Race & Mental Health

We may find ourselves at the end of the COVID pandemic, but the oldest and deadliest pandemic in the world is racism. It impacts the mental health of our friends, colleagues, and communities in ways that can only be described as soul-destroying. In Doyin’s keynote he will discuss how we all must change how we think, how we love, and how we fight in order to eradicate racism in the workplace and beyond.

Amelia Nagoski

Burnout: What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed and Exhausted About Everything You Have to Do and Still Worry That You’re Not Doing Enough

Wellness is not a state of mind, but a state of action. It is the freedom to move through the innate cycles and oscillations of being human - from effort to rest and back, from connection to autonomy and back, from adventure to homecoming and back. But we have been lied to our whole lives about what wellness “should” look like, and rejecting that lie, all those myths about “having it all” and “finally achieving lasting peace” is how we create space in our lives for that free action through the cycle of being human.